Transformers Voyager class Longarm Prime/Shockwave.

Shockwave's main purpose in the Decepticon army is to infiltrate and sabotage, and his ability to change his appearance makes him quite good at his trade. So, when Megatron concocted a plan to destroy the Autobot Elite Guard from within, Shockwave was selected to become a new recruit codenamed LONGARM. Longarm was nearly found out early on, but using some quick thinking and manipulating the easily manipulatible mind of Bumblebee, he managed to divert the attention to the unfortunate recruit Wasp. Graduating and becoming a Prime, Shockwave was put in charge of Intelligence; right where he wanted to be. I could tell more, but frankly it'd ruin the show for you if I did.
The toy for Shockwave is unique in that it is the only Transformer to have four modes (Sixshot has six, so it doesn't count. Nice try though.) It possesses two modes for each character; Shockwave and his tank mode, and Longarm with his rough-terrain crane mode. This toy also features a gimmick that is quite unique, but I shall cover that later.
Mode #1: Rough Terrain Crane;
This is the first of Shockwave's two vehicle modes, and it does quite well at immitating the show version. This crane mode has a crane that can rotate 360 degree and pivots about 45 degree from level. The tip of the crane can extend out a bit and a hook that can be adjusted to fit the need. One strike against this mode is that it doesn't roll very well as the treads have only small plastic wheels under them. Basically, it's a crane....not really much that's spectacular...but at least it's more exciting than Ravage's vehicle mode.
Vehicle Mode #1: 7.5/12.5
Mode #2 - Cybertronian Tank:
This is the truly devastating mode of Shockwave, and sweet Jesus does this mode reflect that. Just like Longarm's crane, the tank turret does rotate and pivot, but now it has two added laser blasters that fold out. Just like the crane mode however, the tank's ability to roll is restricted due to the small plastic wheels under the treads. This mode is a lot more aesthetically pleasing than the crane, and is what I usually display Shockwave in when not in robot mode.
Vehicle Mode #2: 10/12.5
As you can tell by these two photos, these are the two robot modes for Shockwave, with Longarm Prime being the top mode and Shockwave himself below that. Aesthetically, they are both unique and as cartoon accurate as a toy could be. Again, I prefer the Shockwave robot mode as he's taller and looks more "natural" of a shape than Longarm, who is short and fat. Both head scuplts are well designed, with Shockwave's single red optic sensor possessing its own light piping. These modes also share a few good gimmicks, but I shall get into those later; first comes the articulation.
Head: n/a
Shoulders: 360 degree rotation, 45 degree pivot
Elbows: 360 degree rotation, 90 degree pivot out
Hands: ball joints, 90 degree pivot (wrist)
Waist: n/a
Thighs: ~360 degree rotation, 90 degree pivot out
Knees: 360 degree rotation, ~45 degree pivot
Feet: n/a
Head: 360 degree rotation,
Shoulders: 360 degree rotation, 45 degree pivot
Elbows: 360 degree rotation, 90 degree pivot out
Hands: claw; ball jointed bottom claw, 180 degree pivoting top claws, 90 degree pivot (wrist)
Waist: n/a
Thighs: ~360 degree rotation, 90 degree pivot out
Knees: 360 degree rotation, ~45 degree pivot
Feet: n/a
Articulation: 21/25
Shockwave has a lot of gimmicks to name, but I shall start with the simplest of the bunch; his switchable logo. As his job requires, Shockwave can't really go around being an Autobot without having a damn Autobot symbol on his chest, hence the need for a symbol that can change sides. What is cool is that this isn't automatic, so if you really wish to, you can have an Autobot Shockwave or Decepticon Longarm. The second gimmick involves his crane/tank turret.
In its normal mode, the crane isn't very special, but if you look at the top, you will see a purple tab. When this is pulled back, it activates the gun's gimmick, flipping forward the spring-loaded gun barrel, and changing a harmless crane into a tank turret. This is a very nice gimmick asit gives the figure a lot of options. The final gimmick is that - in gun mode - Shockwave can hold the gun in either hand (a toy reference to G1 Shockwave, who had a gun for a hand as this turret is bigger than the hand and thus gives the appearance of this.) This gun can also be mounted on the figure's back (where it would normally tab into as the turret/crane. In total, all three gimmicks are quite fun and are a nice touch to this figure.
Gimmick: 20/25
Let's review what Shockwave has to offer here folks; he's basically four forms in one, he has great articulation, he has a great tank mode, and a nice alt robot and crane mode, and finally he can be transformed from crane to Shockwave just as smoothly and easily as from tank to Shockwave or crane to Longarm. I'd say he gives kids a lot to fiddle around with, and won't leave them grumbling about the figure's lack of this or difficult with that.
Fun factor: 22/25
Animated Shockwave is one of those Animated-line figures that you really should at least look into, if not purchase. The robot modes are very well designed, as are the vehicle modes, and the fact that you are getting two Voyager-class figures for the price of one is just as good of a deal as the Universe Hound and Ravage/Cyclonus and Nightstick figures, if not a better one.
My score for Animated Longarm Prime/Shockwave: 80.5/100
Buying either version of this figure will set you back at least 40 bucks CDN, but the purple variant comes with a little extra figure: Activators Bumblebee. But that is a figure for another day (assuming I seriously want to review a figure where the transformation is pressing a god damned button.) I would personally recommend Shockwave to anyone who likes Transformers as he is both a great homage to his G1 self and an awesome stand-alone figure as well. Still, he'll never be forgiven for what he did to Blurr...
...slaggin' scrapheap lol
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