
Silverbolt is a Maximal who - while being a capable and cunning warrior - is a whore to his code of honour and chivalry. In fact, he's so noble that it tends to be more annoying than charming. He is also one of the two fuzors featured in the show. What is a fuzor you may ask? A fuzor is a protoform who - upon scanning for a new vehicle mode - scans more than one "skin" at once. The other main fuzor in the show is Quickstrike, who is a combination of a scorpian and a cobra. In his first appearance, Silverbolt (along with Quickstrike) are drafted into the Predicons, and are shown the activation code for their new robot modes. (To which Silverbolt states that "terrorise" doesn't quite fit his personality.) Eventually, he joins the Maximals after saving Optimus Primal from a Megatron sneak attack.
Another plot point worth mentioning is the relationship with Silverbolt and the Maximal-turned-Predicon Blackaracnia. I commend Mainframe for creating this plot line as not only does it lead to some very interesting moments in the show, but is a breath of fresh air when compared to the plotlines of Generation One. (aka non-existant). This small relationship turns into something quite strong once Beast Machines (the sequel to Beast Wars) was created.
The Silverbolt figure is something I'm sure would give any self-respecting admirer of his character a fangasm. Not only is the figure quite show accurate to the vehicle and robot modes featured on the show, but the paint apps are just as spectacular. I shall cover those in the vehicle mode review.
Wow...just wow. This is one of the main reasons why Silverbolt is my favourite Beast Wars character. As stated before, the paint apps that are given to Mr. Bolt here are a feast for the eyes; the wings contains a mixture of golds, browns and blacks, mimicking the colours of a real eagle's down.
The wolf head and front talons are just as awesome; detailed and painted appropriately. His vehicle mode is quite stable, having the standard articulation for a four-legged Transformer (all legs on ball joints). One thing I would like to mention is that the face is a tad too black and the fur is too gray for the character, but otherwise a top-notch wolf/eagle mode. So wait, is he an.....eaolf? Or a wolgle?
Vehicle: 24/25
Talk about show accuracy at its finest. The Beast Wars line (and the future toy lines as well) definitely kept the concept of show-accuracy-and-functionality in mind. Silverbolt's robot mode looks almost identical to his show self; the reason I say almost is because some things that were done in the show aren't mechanically possible and thus had to be solved, resulting in some changes to the show model.) But otherwise, this robot mode is such a great design, and it about the size of the standard Deluxe-class figure in the Transformers Universe line. The head sculpt is a tad off, and Silverbolt's teeth should have had a slight white paint app to make them stand out, but that is a small gripe on my behalf. Finally, due to the eagle talons becoming his feet, Silverbolt is very tipsy and does tend to fall over if not positioned right.
Head: n/a
Shoulders: ball jointed
Elbows: ball jointed
Hands: n/a
Waist: n/a
Thighs: ball jointed
Knees: 180 degree pivot
Feet: 90 degree pivot (note, the feet and heel are separate and both pivot at 90 degrees.
Others to note; The wings do pivot 90 degrees from flat to straight upwards.
Articulation: 19/25
Can I count the amount he has? Let's start with the most basic gimmick of all. Silverbolt's feather missiles (I shall get to those in a second) can be help in his hands as twin swords. That's cool in itself. Silverbolt's secon gimmick also revolves around these swords/missiles.
As you can see in this image here, the trigger is that small peg near his body. It would have been nicer if Hasbro had coloured the missile tips to match the wings, but that can easily fixed. This gimmick is also very touchy if you aren't careful, and the missile do shoot far. The final gimmick involves Solverbolt's eagle tail.
It is hard to see in this photo (especially since my camerawork sucks at points. Note to self; use a tripod), but I am pulling up on the eagle tail. This makes Silverbolt's wings flap forward. This gimmick works best when the wings are flat, and when the figure is in vehicle mode. However, it is also possible to do it in robot mode, but again the wings must be flat.
Gimmick: 23/25
Silverbolt is a true array of great articulation, nice gimmicks and a great overall design, which would appeal to kids both during that time and in our present day. Although he isn't all that posable, his transformation is simple and due to his show accuracy, can be used to re-enact a favourite scene from the show in great detail.
Fun factor: 20/25
Fuzor Silverbolt is a real treasure to have, and something I didn't have any quams about spending upwards of sixty US dollars for. (luckily I got mine for 27 USD. Deal hunting powers GO!) He is a great edition to your Beast Wars/Transformers collection at any rate, and while he is tispy, and he does lack the articulation of some of the figures in the current Universe and Animated lines, he does still stand up against them nicely.
My score for Beast Wars Transmetals Fuzor Silverbolt: 86/100
As I said, Silverbolt is a great representation of how well the Beast Wars figures were made in comparison to the toys of today. I feel he was worth the 27 US bucks I spent for him, of course I'd have said the exact same thing if I had spent 60 USD. He is a real treat to have and I am sure if you bought one yourself, you'd fall in love with the figure as much as I have.
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